I’ve been meaning to write a series of posts about the podcasts I listen to for a while, but never got to it until now. Having my own podcast is a recurring idea, and it may be realized still, whenever I find the time I lack.
I’ll start this series with the latest podcast I’ve subscribed to, the author of which is one of the voices I’ve read the most on what concerns blogging: Darren Rowse of ProBlogger. After what I believe is over a decade of publishing content for helping people build better blogs, Darren decided to launch the ProBlogger podcast. It’s brand new, and from what I’ve heard so far, will be in line with the site.
To start in the best way possible, the podcast is revisiting the very successful eBook “31 days to build a better blog“: 31 days of actionable tips to improve your blog. I’ve read the ebook when it came out, but will follow the podcasts and implement a few more ideas. It’s a good idea to get the book as well, so you can follow along each day at a time. These are small tips, but small steps make a big difference when put together in the end.
If you have a blog or are thinking of starting one, I encourage you to get the book, subscribe to the free podcast, and let’s build better blogs together.
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